Increase Your Digital Resilience with our SOC++ services

Bij Route443 begrijpen we dat effectieve cybersecurity verder gaat dan detectie en reactie. Onze SOC++ dienst biedt een uitgebreide, proactieve benadering die verder kijkt dan de traditionele Security Operations Centers (SOC). Een van onze belangrijkste specialisaties is identiteitsbeveiliging, omdat we weten dat 90% van de cyberaanvallen begint met het compromitteren van een identiteit. Door dit cruciale aspect te beveiligen, zetten we een enorme stap richting een optimaal beveiligde omgeving.

Wat maakt ons SOC++ Uniek?

Traditionele SOC’s richten zich voornamelijk op detectie en reactie op dreigingen, wat reactief van aard is. SOC++ gaat echter verder met een proactieve strategie, die begint bij Identify en Protect, en zich uitbreidt naar Detect, Respond en Recover. Dat betekent dat wij traditionele SOC werkzaamheden aanvullen met het kijken naar externe invloeden en de aanwezigheid van uw organisatie op bijvoorbeeld het Darkweb. Wij kruipen dicht tegen kwaadwillenden aan zodat uw Cybersecurity debt laag blijft en wij kunnen daarmee voorkomen in plaats van steeds weer opnieuw genezen. Dit is het verschil tussen IT en Cybersecurity. Wij focussen op zowel de linker- als de rechterkant van de BOOM!

Our focus on identity security is essential in preventing cyber attacks. We help you drastically limit the attack surface of malicious parties by protecting identities and preventing abuse. This not only reduces the chance of attacks, but also the possible damage that results from them.

How Does SOC++ Work?

SOC++ consists of three core components that together ensure robust security of your digital environment, with special attention to identity security:

Identify & Protect:

We beginnen met het identificeren van uw meest waardevolle digitale assets en beschermen deze proactief, met een bijzondere focus op identiteiten. Door gebruik te maken van Zero Trust-principes zorgen we ervoor dat ongeautoriseerde toegang wordt voorkomen.

Detect & Respond:

Met geavanceerde monitoringtools detecteren we potentiële bedreigingen in real-time, met extra nadruk op het monitoren van verdachte activiteiten die wijzen op identiteitsmisbruik. We zorgen ervoor dat elke dreiging snel en effectief wordt aangepakt. We blijven leren en zorgen door geavanceerde tooling dat een SOC overload wordt voorkomen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat wij steeds actief zijn met het oppakken van dreigingen die de moeite waard zijn om te onderzoeken.

Renovatie van uw Omgeving:

We renovate your existing IT environment to keep it up to date with the latest security standards, including identity protection. This process is essential to keep your security debt low and prepare for future challenges.

Benefits of SOC++

Identity security:

We focus specifically on protecting identities, which is essential considering that 90% of cyber attacks start with an identity compromise. This makes SOC++ an indispensable service in your security strategy.

NIS2 Compliance:

With SOC++ you meet the key requirements of the NIS2 directive, making your organization better protected against cyber threats and complying with legal obligations.

Proactive Security:

Instead of just reacting to threats, SOC++ anticipates potential risks and takes measures to prevent them.

Continuous Improvement Process:

We continuously work to improve your security infrastructure, so your organization is always prepared for new challenges.

Focused on Risk Management:

By reducing your attack surface, we not only reduce the chance of attacks, but also their potential impact. This is crucial for organizations that want to operate within their desired risk appetite.

A Collaboration for the Long Term:

SOC++ is not a one-time solution, but a joint journey to an optimally secured environment that suits your organization. We continue to work together to continuously improve your security and adapt to changing threat landscapes. Cybersecurity is not a sprint, but a marathon.

What Do We Expect from You?

For effective cooperation, we ask you:

Transparency and Cooperation:

Share all relevant information about your current IT infrastructure and security measures.

Management involvement:

Your leadership team plays a critical role in the success of SOC++ by supporting and facilitating strategic decisions.

Willingness to Change:

To renovate and improve effectively, an open attitude towards changes in your current processes and systems is necessary.

Take the Step to a Secure Future Today

With Route443 SOC++ you take an important step towards a proactive, robust and compliant security strategy. By focusing on protecting identities, we not only help you respond to today's threats, but also prepare your organization for the challenges of tomorrow. “What is the Risk Appetite of your organization”?

Route443 services


In an age where digital threats are constantly evolving, it is essential to thoroughly understand and secure your digital landscape. A Digital Defense Review is an indispensable instrument in this regard. As your dedicated cybersecurity services provider, we want to highlight why a Digital Defense Review is critical and how it adds significant value to you, our customer.

CYBER Projects

In the world of cybersecurity, implementation of strategies and advice is crucial. Our Projects department forms the backbone of this implementation, in close collaboration with our Strategy department.


At Route443 we understand that effective cybersecurity goes beyond detection and response. Our SOC++ service offers a comprehensive, proactive approach that looks beyond traditional Security Operations Centers (SOC). One of our main specializations is identity security, because we know that 90% of cyber attacks start with the compromise of an identity.


Our Consultancy Department is the place where the best-trained security specialists at all levels and knowledge areas come together to support, advise and assist our customers with internal security projects.


In the rapidly evolving world of cybersecurity, Route443's strategy department plays a crucial role. This department acts as the beating heart that continuously keeps a finger on the pulse of the latest developments in the cyber world.


In the current digital landscape, cybersecurity is an absolute priority. But not every organization has the resources to hire a full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). This is where CISO as a Service comes into play.


In a world where digital threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, it is essential that organizations invest not only in technology, but also in the awareness and development of their employees. Route443 is responding to this with the development of a Cyber ​​Experience Center, an innovative hub where cybersecurity expertise, research and education come together.

Cyber ​​Academy

In the rapidly changing world of cybersecurity, it is essential that professionals have up-to-date knowledge and skills. The Route443 Academy offers an innovative approach to employee training, where learning and working go hand in hand.