Dr. Tim Huygh

Dr. Tim Huygh (1989) is assistant professor at the department of information science at the faculty of science of The Open Universiteit (The Netherlands). He is also a visiting professor at the Antwerp Management School (Belgium). In these roles, he is actively teaching and coordinating topics such as IT governance, IT management, and digital transformation at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive level. He received his PhD in 2019 in the area of IT governance from the University of Antwerp. His research interests include the governance and management of information and technology, information security management and governance, and cyber resilience.

His research has been published in SCI-indexed journals like Decision Support Systems (DSS), Information Systems Management (ISM) and the Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), and various conference proceedings including the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). He also co-authored two books on the topic of IT governance (published by Springer). Since 2020, he is co-chairing the minitrack “IT governance and its mechanisms” at HICSS.

Route443 services


In de snel evoluerende wereld van cybersecurity speelt de strategieafdeling van Route443 een cruciale rol. Deze afdeling fungeert als het kloppende hart dat continu de vinger aan de pols houdt bij de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in de cyberwereld.


In de wereld van cybersecurity is implementatie van strategieën en adviezen van cruciaal belang. Onze Projectenafdeling vormt de ruggengraat van deze uitvoering, in nauwe samenwerking met onze Strategieafdeling.


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